Personal Programs
- Development | Performance | Elite
- Urban | Regional | Rural based Athletes
- Triathlon: Sprint, Olympic, Half Ironman, Ironman, Ultraman
- Multisport: X Triathlon, Xterra, Adventure Racing
- Running: 5km, 10km, 21km, Marathon, Ultramarathon, (trail & road)
- Road cycling, x-country mountain biking
- Open water swimming
- Training Peaks Training Diary (On-Line Program, App & Desktop)
Features & Focus
- Coach-Athlete Partnership
- Season Development and Performance
- Bespoke programs designed to suit lifestyle context, goals, fitness and athlete level
- Adapted to living environment & training resources (Metropolitan, Regional and Rural)
- Customised to training preferences. Ie prefer to train independently versus combination of solo & group training
- Training Peaks (TP) Premium Account (our on-line training diary)
- Accountability & mentorship. Weekly progress review, feedback and coaching support
- Program delivery weekly / fortnightly
- Communication: On-line Training Peaks pre & post activity comments; phone; email; WhatsApp; local meet in person
- Training intensity & zone guide
- Time trials / race pace simulations (intensity, pace, power, heart rate etc)
- Skill & technique support
- Race planning & nutrition guidance
- Recovery strategies
- Integration of life fitness / cross training / recreation sport, where appropriate.
- Equipment advice
- Allied health recommendations
- S & C Guidance
- Season planning/goal setting
- Racing Heart Group membership, access to internal forums
- Racing Heart Store, RH welcome/start up pack
1. Start up fee
- $95. Applies to new athletes, athletes which have been off program for 24 months+, or subject to assessment of athlete event & performance goals.
- Initial consultation, athlete questionnaire, meet-up (virtual or in-person), TP set up
- Includes Racing Heart Welcome Pack (sports bottle, towel, mesh equipment bag, cap/visor).
2. On-Line Personal / Bespoke Program & Coaching Support
- Triathlon / Multisport: AUD $75 pw / $300 per 4 week cycle, including GST.
- Single endurance sport focus: AUD $35 pw / $140 per 4 week cycle (runner or cyclist program), including GST.
- Training Peaks Premium Account included.
- Programs delivered weekly/fortnightly, with concurrent review/feedback/adjustment as needed.
- Contact hours typically Monday - Saturday between 9am - 4pm during school term.
- Monthly meet video call/in person Warriewood Northern Beaches. Program review & forward planning.
- Program package & fees subject to merit assessment of athlete level, experience, goals, event schedule, service support.
3. Training Peaks (TP)
- Program delivery via Training Peaks on-line training diary (App & Desktop)
- Communications & season planning
- Training Peaks Premium Account. Athletes can add their training availability to their Training Peaks calendar to increase the efficiency of workout planning for their coach.
- Minimum sign up 3 months, build athlete-coach relationship, develop athlete fitness and skills.
- Fee payment to be in advance.
- Flexible automatic payment set up, can be weekly, fortnightly, or per 4 week cycle. Preference is to cycle payments from a Monday.
- 2 weeks minimum notice for program break / off program period
- Fees subject to season review, inflation/operation costs, market environment.
Commonwealth Bank Racing Heart Business Account:
- BSB: 067-873
- Account No: 1363 1577
- Reference: Your full name & service/product (eg Set-up fee, Program, Apparel, Workshop, Camp, NB Run Group, 1:1 Coaching)
Getting started with your personal program
- Phone call or email for initial consultation
- Complete RH Athlete Questionnaire
- Set up a time to meet - In person, video call or phone. Topics for conversation include history & experience in sport, lifestyle context, strengths/weaknesses, season planning, training calendar around goal events, weekly/fortnightly training routine
- Training Diary. Create a Training Peaks Account & Connect with your RH Coach. Sync your Garmin (or compatible device)
- Team Communications: Internal Facebook Group | WhatsApp Group
- And you're on your way...